Marley Hoefs and Capt. Paul David Derby’s widow, Dorothy. – Photos provided


ST. CROIX FALLS – Marley Hoefs, a social studies teacher at St. Croix Falls High School, was named one of 55 educators selected by National History Day for its Researching Silent Heroes webinar series, in coordination with the American Battle Monuments Commission.

Educators selected for this cost-free learning opportunity receive hands-on training to research and create a profile for a Silent Hero, an individual who served in the United States military and is still listed as Missing in Action.

From November 2024 to March 2025, teachers meet monthly with both a historian and a research specialist to set their Silent Heroes into historical context and learn strategies to research their lives. When the teachers complete their research in April, they will write a profile for NHD’s Silent Heroes website for publication in late spring/summer of 2025.

This work will be shared with the American Battle Monuments Commission for future use in their educational materials.

“National History Day’s Researching Silent Heroes program is essential to our work to improve the teaching and learning of history,” said Cathy Gorn, Ph.D., executive director of National History Day. “Thanks to ABMC, teachers across the country and around the world get to dive into primary source research about the lives of service members from twentieth-century conflicts. I can’t wait to read the impactful profiles the teachers will write about these fallen service members’ lives.”

The 55 teachers selected for this program represent 32 states and two Department of Defense schools overseas. Their Silent Heroes are buried or memorialized at 17 ABMC Cemeteries.

Hoefs will be researching U.S. Marine Corps Captain Paul David Derby, a Marshfield native who was shot down on Nov. 17, 1968, while supporting ground troops 20 miles south of Chu Lai, South Vietnam.

In 2024, Hoefs created a Veterans Honor Wall in the St. Croix Falls High School commons area. The wall is 40 feet by 14 feet and honors St. Croix Falls’ graduates who served in the United States Armed Forces, including a section dedicated to graduates who were killed in action.

While creating the wall, Hoefs completed extensive research to uncover the history of the seven alumni who were killed in action during a military campaign. She presented her findings to the public at the school’s Veterans Day program last November.

The community can view the Veterans Honor Wall during sporting events, musicals and other St. Croix Falls High School events. If you or a family member is a St. Croix Falls High School graduate and has served in the military, you can submit an application to be recognized on the Veterans Honor Wall.

For her work with veterans and their families, Hoefs has been named the VFW Wisconsin High School Teacher of the Year. She was honored at the Wisconsin VFW Mid-Winter Conference on Feb. 15, in Oshkosh. Milltown VFW Post 6856 submitted Hoefs for the award and was also recognized for their outstanding support of civics and veteran education in schools. – Submitted by Kirk Anderson

Capt. Paul David Derby.