Senior Christian Greener, second from left, assisted in the kitchen during the lasagna supper that was served by several of the seniors and their parents. Great meal along with several other things going on besides the doubleheader basketball game. – Photo by Jeanne Alling


LUCK – Prior to the doubleheader basketball games that took place at Luck on Friday, Feb. 21, a lasagna dinner scholarship fundraiser was open in the high school cafeteria for all spectators to enjoy. For a tradition that has taken place for over 30 years and always stuck to lasagna, this year’s meal was generously sponsored by Larsen Auto Center. The dinner serves to fund scholarships that will benefit all Luck seniors pursuing a future education who themselves donate their time to help run the fundraiser. A calendar raffle set to run through the month of March also began ticket sales at Friday’s dinner, featuring a grand total of $700 in Luck Bucks to be won across the 21 drawings.

Running concurrent with the lasagna supper, the Luck FFA held their annual silent auction in the school commons area. Local businesses donated many items for the auction.

Following the supper and silent auction, fans could make their way over to either gym to enjoy some high school basketball against the Frederic Vikings, where the Cardinal boys finished strong with a 55–49 win. The doubleheader games at 5:45 and 7 p.m. allotted all the hungry spectators plenty of time to enjoy a warm lasagna meal and still make it to either game.