To kick off Read Across America Week, Sheila Dipprey read to kids and adults at Kate’s Coffee Koop Brick and Mortar in Clear Lake to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Kids got a book from the Clear Lake Library too! – Photo provided
LEADER LAND – Sunday, March 2, marked the 121st birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. His writing and illustrations have captured the imagination of children and adults worldwide with his playful rhymes and mysterious creatures. He has left us with creatures like the Grinch, the Sneetches, and the Lorax.
Dr. Seuss’ most popular books include “The Cat in the Hat” and “Green Eggs and Ham.” Read Across America celebrates National Reading Month in March and kicks it off with Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Kate’s Coffee Koop Brick and Mortar in Clear Lake sponsored Dr. Seuss Day to celebrate his birthday and to kick off Read Across America Week. Katie Wagner, owner of Kate’s Coffee Koop, said she likes to do something that is community focused twice a month at the shop.
Kids had a chance to come in and get a Cat in the Hat hat, a small gift bag, popcorn, and cookies and were able to listen to Sheila Dipprey, a retired elementary teacher, read some of the Dr. Seuss books. The Clear Lake Library had books on hand to give away to the kids. Sheila told the kids that Dr. Seuss wrote 66 books and had a variety of them on hand. My Best Friends Bookshelf was also on hand to sell bookmarks, glassware and more. Kids played games and colored pictures too. Some of the parents commented that they sure enjoyed listening to some of the books as it brought back childhood memories.